Tools & Equipment

Tools & Equipment

Our cryo storage products are designed to offer you the best solution for your specific application and serve many industries including Laboratory, Medical, and Argricultural cryo-storage purposes. At Brooklyn Tool, we are the manufacturer of your cryo solutions, from standard to custom products. Contact us here to get started.


Cryo Canes

High quality cryo storage canes are made from lightweight aluminum and firmly hold most Cryo Vials for liquid nitrogen storage in LN2 and Bulk storage tanks

ID Tabs

Brooklyn Tool has 10 different color options for printed and plain ID tabs for cryo canes. Check out our colors available below and make sure you also look at out bulk discounts for extra savings.

Cryo Dippers

Cryo Dippers (Liquid Nitrogen Dippers) are designed to remove liquid nitrogen from tanks and are available in many different sizes.


Cryo Lifters are used for lifting bulk storage goblets in SUC-1 or round canisters. Our stainless steel lifters are available in a variety of sizes but can be customized if needed.

Cryo Tongs

Cryo Tongs are made to handle cryo vials. Custom specifications are available on request. Say hello, to get a quote!