Product Overview
•Must be ordered in multiples of 500. Minimum purchase of 1,000 per color.
•Any Cryo Cane may be anodized, cleaned or powder-coated. You need to first choose the cane you would like anodized, cleaned or powder coated and add to the cart, and then choose the equivalent quantity and color of anodizing, cleaning or powdercoating and add that to the cart. The price shown here is for anodizing, cleaning or powdercoating only and does not include the cost of the canes themselves. The cost for anodized, cleaned or powdercoated canes equals the cost of just the canes in the cart "+" the cost of placing the specific chosen anodized, cleaned or powdercoated canes.
•How to order: Specify cane type and quantity and place into cart. Then come back and pick the color and quantity you want cleaned, anodized or powdercoated, and add to cart.
•Lead times may increase with anodizing, powdercoating and cleaning.